
Spin Palace

Transparency lays at the heart of the Zephyr template, with the entire theme being developed around it. Every structural image is transparent to allow background colors to bleed through seamlessly.
In unison is the Color Chooser, providing extension controls, in a user friendly interface, over all style in the template, ranging from background, text or link colors to the overlay styles.


Transparency lays at the heart of the Zephyr template, with the entire theme being developed around it. Every structural image is transparent to allow background colors to bleed through seamlessly.
In unison is the Color Chooser, providing extension controls, in a user friendly interface, over all style in the template, ranging from background, text or link colors to the overlay styles. Transparency lays at the heart of the Zephyr template, with the entire theme being developed around it. Every structural image is transparent to allow background colors to bleed through seamlessly.
In unison is the Color Chooser, providing extension controls, in a user friendly interface, over all style in the template, ranging from background, text or link colors to the overlay styles.


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